Today was our last full day in Prague. It was a beautiful cloudless day and definitely t-shirt weather. We began with a nice typical European breakfast across from our hotel, at a sister hotel affiliated with ours. It was the first proper breakfast that we've had since we arrived in Europe. It included yogurt, cold cuts, scrambled eggs, fruits, cheeses, etc. As I write this blog I heard a small brass ensemble playing and looked out our window this evening and some form of procession of several hundred people going down our street to the Cathedral just down the hill from us. Honestly, we've reached the point of "Cathedral saturation". Some people we met agreed with us when she stated, "ABC", Another Big Cathedral. Having seen hundreds of them in Europe, the all begin to look the same. The opulence is overboard in many cases. On the Prague Palace grounds today we saw St. Vitus Cathedral, which was 600 years in construction. The Prague Palace has the largest surface area of any palace in the world and we saw many parts of it. We started in the National Gallery and that was very nice. Then we went to the St. Vitus Cathedral. We saw the Golden Lane which is a series of small houses along the castle wall that used to house military personnel guarding the palace over the years. These small cottages were later lived in by women who used them for abodes where they were seamstresses, and many other crafts. Also there was a small goldsmith shop and a typical bar that included the kitchen, complete with rabbits and birds hanging from the ceiling, wine barrels, and a wooden table set with metal plates & utensils. Above these small cottages was a display of hundreds of knight armour ensembles. At the far end of the Castle wall was another torture chamber with implements still in place as well as a dungeon.

We also stopped to see the Rosenberg Palace, also on the Prague Palace grounds. A nice fresco was in the entrance area and many 18th century furnishings of the elite were on display. We found a portable toilet interesting.
As we were exiting the Castle we were treated to a brass band playing some recognizable music, including the theme from "The Magnificent Seven" as eight motorcycle police did some precision riding to the music. This was very entertaining.
After three hours touring the Castle we were ready for some lunch so we freshened up a bit at our hotel, which was 3 minutes from the Castle, and then went to a recommended restaurant named Cowbowys, right next to our hotel. They have a western theme and a nice rooftop patio with a panoramic view of the city, which we enjoyed. We both ordered Hickory BBQ Hamburgers and they came to us extremely rare. We could not eat them and had to send them both back for further cooking.
We continued to souvenir shop near our hotel and discovered that both the Romanian and Italian Embassy offices were on the same street as our hotel. Both were flying the EU flag as well as there respective country flags.
In the afternoon we walked down to the river and decided to walk across the Charles Bridge from our hotel side and there were many vendors set up and even a Dixieland Jazz band set up playing music that everyone seemed to enjoy.
As we were getting back to our hotel we stopped at a small grocery store to stock up on our favorite drink, Coca Cola Light. We will never get used to drinking lukewarm Diet Coke however and the default is no ice offered at any restaurant. As I was checking out at the grocery store I was suprised to see a chocolate bar that was embedded with Cannibas. Very interesting in light of the current debate in the US, and I didn't know how I was going to get it past TSA.
Wednesday evening we may take one more stroll in the evening to see how things look at night all lit up along the river and at the Charles Bridge vicinty. There was a small Classical music group of 30 or more chairs that was setting up on a barge on the river that will probably be playing this evening too.
As of mentioned on Facebook, Prague is the marionette capital of the world and we saw all types of famous figures made into puppets. Saw one of Barak Obama, but didn't know how I would use it if I had it.

On Thursday we will need to leave for the airport just after lunch time and then will layover for a couple hours at London Heathrow before we begin an overnight trip to New York City where we will spend a night at the Times Square Marriot before heading home to Dallas on Friday. It has been a wonderful trip that we have packed so much into. It's hard to believe all we've experienced and seen over the last 10 days. This international travel is not for the weak or easily weary and is somewhat pricey, and we walked so much every day, but it is so rewarding in terms of cultural awareness and understanding. I developed some kind of hip problem that I will need to have looked at when I get back and Carol had sore feet almost everyday, but we are thankful for all that we experienced and for the beautiful weather and good health we did have. Can't wait for the next opportunity to travel and experience other cultures and places next time. Carol worked so hard in the research and trip preparation and got us into some of the nicest hotels at so modest prices it was unbelievable. She is a great wife and travel companion and we look forward to many years together, if the Lord allows it.